Salisbury Photography Club

  • The Baptist Church, 41 Brown Street, Salisbury, SP1 2SA
  • Monday–Friday, 7.30-10.00pm

Our Club is a hub to bring together amateur photographers who like to focus on and enjoy photography. Whatever your interests you can be part of our group developing your skills, exploring ways to photograph and present your images. Your Photography is what makes our community buzz. So we hope you will join us for a great opportunity to share in our programme of events, enter competitions if you would like to, get to grips with what you can achieve through workshops and above all have fun with your camera.

Members of our Club find themselves in a friendly atmosphere of sharing experiences and facing challenges to up our game as part of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation. There is room for Members to access part of or all of Club activities throughout the season and also to meet up on other occasions with photography trips, days out in the field and friendly engagement with other clubs. Each Member is valued for their interests and skills and any tips or tricks they can pass on to other Members. With full membership you gain access to Competitions both internally and inter club.

The Club is part of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF) and is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB).


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