This youth club is for young people, school years 6 to 11, living on or around the Friary Estate. Run by Salisbury City Council’s Communities team, but designed by the young people of the estate, this is a safe space to hangout offering a hot meal every week. We have a range of board games, table tennis, table football, pool and once a month we have external providers joining us to offer activities such as boxing, first aid, or joining in with city projects via Wiltshire Creative or Salisbury Museum. The club runs as a drop-in for anyone with permission from parents to sign in and out, but younger members can sign up to stay for the whole session. Our members help us choose and plan our activities and the occasional trip to Salisbury.
Term time only
Tuesdays 4 – 5.45pm
The Friary Centre, Carmelite Way, SP1 2HW
For a sign-up form quickly visit to the club or email . For more information call the Communities Team on 01722 417100.
If your child wants to join us and has additional needs, please contact us to see what strategies we can develop to include your child.