In the 1930s, amidst an impending crisis in Europe, Winston Churchill found himself out of government and with little power. In these years, Chartwell, his country home in Kent, became the headquarters of his campaign against Nazi Germany. In a series of remarkable but little-known meetings, Churchill entertained household names like Albert Einstein and ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ as well as political leaders, diplomats and spies and sounded the alarm at the prospect of war with Germany.
Join Chartwell’s curator, Katherine Carter, to uncover how Winston Churchill’s gatherings before the storm shaped his thinking and political strategy, strengthened his fight against the Nazis, and changed the course of British history.
About Katherine Carter:
Katherine Carter is a curator and historian who has managed the house and collections at Chartwell, Sir Winston Churchill’s country home, for more than a decade. She is a respected commentator and adviser on Churchill’s life and legacy and lectures internationally. Churchill’s Citadel: Chartwell and the Gatherings Before the Storm is her first book and was published by Yale University Press in September 2024.
Date: Tuesday 25 February
Time: Doors from 19.00, talk starts 19.30
Where: Arundells, 59 Cathedral Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EN
Tickets: £18